
My new experiment: TweetTalk : A Twitter Post Chatter ;D Update tweets from your Google Talk Account!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hi all,

During my recent studies about Chatter Bots, I've inspired myself to build a new one now integrating Twitter and Google Talk IM Service.  His name is  TweetTalk.  What's the catch ?  

TweetTalk is a Jabber IM Bot for anyone who wants to quickly update a post on your Twitter Account. So instead of going to a separated client, directly from anywhere you can access the Google Talk Engine (Web mail or Desktop Client) you can just write your tweet and the bot will responsible of sending the post to the Twitter.

Let's see it in action:

The tweet status on Twitter:

As you can see, it is really fast now for me to send a tweet from my webmail gmail. It is a simple experiment of how those type of bots can improve your life and work daily.

If you wanna try it, please add to your contacts:  

By the way I am using Python for developing the main logic of the Bot.  For web communication I used Django + Google AppEngine + Twitter API.  And as the bot infra-structure the Imified API.

I am writing some new articles about performance evaluation, recommendation engines, REST APIs and SVM with Keyword/Term Extraction. 

Stay tuned !

Marcel Caraciolo


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