Hi all,
This weekend I attended the PythonBrasil, a Annual Brazilian Conference for Python Developers. It was a great event meeting old friends and keep in touch with the best python developers around Brazil. I had the opportunity to lecture there two talks and one tutorial.
My first presentation was about how Python is used nowadays as main platform in several on-line e-learning system such as the innitatives Coursera, Udacity, CodeAcademy, Khan Academy worldwide. I also present my experiences with Python in brazilian enviroment such as Atepassar and PyCursos. Python is also a good language to start learning and I will present how I and our team teached it for more than de 500 students around Brazil.
My second presentation was about how I used Python, Hadoop and MapReduce to scale up our recommender system currently running at Atepassar, an educational brazilian social network with more than 150 thousand students. Examples, tips, guides to anyone who wants explore the power of distributed computing at Amazon as also the current effort at the framework Crab to include those features.
The tutorial I gave at FGV about Machine Learning with Python is being updated and I will release it soon here at this post.
Congratulations to Rio's Staff for this exciting conference! Next year it will be at Brasilia, Brazil.
See you there,
Marcel Caraciolo