
Artificial Intelligence goes Mobile

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hi Folks,

I' am Marcel Pinheiro Caraciolo, master degree candidate at Federal University of Pernambuco (CIN/UFPE) located at Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil. As you can see, i am one of the main authors of the A.I. In Motion Blog (funny but the only one who posts here, but this is not the case!). My interests are about artificial intelligence and mobile computing. How to connect them is my daily work and my master thesis will be specific about data mining algorithms (as you saw in the last posts about data mining) and recommendation systems targeted to Mobile devices. On a next post i will talk further about it.

But, in general, one of my goals at my master degree thesis is to study and apply artificial intelligence and data mining algorithms into mobile computing, solving problems or turning possible those machine learning algorithms to offer their results or run them into small and limited processing devices like cell phones.

Let's build real Smart Phones!!

For inspiring our readers to read more about artificial intelligence and mobile computing connected, i've found this article in the internet: "The Artificial Intelligence goes Mobile" An excellent reading for people who wants to inspire themselves and think how the artificial intelligence can be applied at mobile devices. This article was the Introductory remarks of the Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems - AIMS2000 Workshop at 2000.
So , stay tuned! More content and tutorials about those topics will be presented here!


Marcel Pinheiro Caraciolo


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