
Slides from Keynotes at VII PythonBrasil

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hi all,

I'd like to share the slides of the keynotes I lectured at the VII PythonBrasil, the Brazilian Python Users Meeting that happens once a year.   This year I had the opportunity to give two talks: One is about the Open-Source Communities and the experience with the local community of Pernambuco: The Python User Group of Pernambuco (PUG-PE) and about the framework I am currently working on: Crab - A Python Framework for Building Recommender Systems.

It was an amazing event and with lots of amazing keynotes, opportunities to meet people and make some friends. I also had the opportunity to give two more lighting talks: the pipeline toolkit for scientific computations JobLib and about Ipython.

Below the slides provided:

                           The JobLib slides for download.

I'd like also to announce the launch of the new home page of the project Crab with a reformulated design. It still in development, with lots of work to do, but it's coming! The first release 0.1 will be launched until the second week of October.

Crab new Home Page 

Thanks for the feedback from all developers at PythonBrasil and I expect new contributors at the project.


Marcel Caraciolo


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